Gifts that Won't Get Thrown Away the Day After You Give Them
Promoting your business with gifts isn’t always as easy as slapping your logo on something. You want to stay on your client’s minds for as long as possible, and you want to do it without coming off as another business desperate for advertisement. A plastic pen may work in the short term, but often ends up lost or in the garbage can, and a gift certificate or a bottle of wine is used quickly and then forgotten about. Here we have some ideas for gifts that aren’t generic or one-and-done.
“But won’t drinkware just get shoved in the back of the cupboard?” you may be asking. Not if it’s quality! Glassware sets are both versatile and lasting. Whether last night’s dinner was ramen on the couch or a classy party you invited all your friends to, chances are you pulled out the glasses, right? They can also serve as conversation pieces that lead back to your business, bringing in the repeats and referrals you’re looking for.
If there’s one thing electronics aren’t, it’s single-use. Power banks, speakers, adapters; they have the potential to be both stylish and useful. They’re common enough to be used every day, and valuable enough to be an investment and not an expense. Besides, who doesn’t need a new pair of quality earbuds every now and then?
Where am I going to put this? How am I going to carry this? There’s always a need for storage, whether you’re on a business trip or trying to fit one more thing in your overly-crowded closet. Suitcases, toiletry bags, and briefcases are all functional and practical gifts, provided you keep in mind which one the person is most likely to appreciate.
We hope we’ve given you some inspiration on how to get your stories told and your bonds with clients strengthened. Have fun making connections!